Department of Sociology, FGU

Research Expertise 科技與社會、環境社會學、風險社會學、質性研究、社會統計、性別社會學、社會變遷 (Science, Technology and Society, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Risk, Qualitative Research)
Year Paper Title
2014 Jung-Chun Ho, Chiao-Tzu Patricia Lee, Ruey-Yu Chen, Marco C. F. Ieong, Hung-Lun Ch, Perceived Environmental and Health Risks of Nuclear Energy in Taiwan After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Environment International, vol. 73, 1, Sep. 2014
2013 高淑芬,邱紹華, 電磁波風險爭議分析與風險治理之省思, 國家發展研究, vol. 13, 1, Dec. 2013
2013 Jung-Chun Ho, Jung-Der Wang, Chien-Tien Su, Chiao-Tzu Patricia Lee, Ruey-y, Risk perception, trust, and factors related to a planned new nuclear power plant in Taiwan after the 2011 Fukushima disaster, Journal of Radiological Protection, vol. 33, 4, Jul. 2013
2012 高淑芬, EMF controversy in Chigu, Taiwan: contested declarations of risk and scientific knowledge have implications for risk governance, Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, vol. 12, 1, Jun. 2012
2008 高淑芬, Social Amplification of Risk and Environmental Collective Activism: A Case Study of Cobalt-60 Contamination Incident in Taiwan, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, vol. 8, 42371, Feb. 2008
Year Paper Title
2020 周桂田, Koichi Hasegawa, Dowan Ku, Midori Aoyagi, Introduction to Book Chapters, 【Book Launch Webinar】Climate Change Governance in Asia, Sep. 08, 2020
2019 高淑芬, 「環境社會學」的教與學, 第三屆宜蘭地方社會變遷研討會, Nov. 01, 2019, 台灣
2019 高淑芬, Environmental Sociology in Taiwan, ISESEA-7 Seoul Conference, Oct. 26-27, 2019, 台灣
2019 高淑芬, Environmental Sociology in Taiwan, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia, Oct. 26-27, 2019
2018 高淑芬, Ying-Feng Chen, Energy Democratization in Taiwan: Current Problems and the Civil Society's Advocacy, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Jul. 15-21, 2018, 台灣
2018 高淑芬, Social learning in local energy transition: Concepts and lessons from citizens-based initiatives in Taiwan, 2018年台灣科技與社會研究學會年會, Apr. 14-15, 2018, 台灣
2017 高淑芬, Energy Transition and Energy Justice: The Experience of Taiwan, Korean Association of Environmental Sociology International Conference., Dec. 08-10, 2017, 韓國
2017 高淑芬, Public Engagement and Social Learning in Local Energy Transition., The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia., Oct. 19, 2017 ~ Oct. 22, 2018
2017 高淑芬, Risk Governance Deficits and Possible Path Towards Innovative Risk Governance: EMF Case in Taiwan, 台中智慧城市與風險治理論壇與展覽、2017風險治理國際研討會 &台灣風險分析學會年會, May. 25-27, 2017, 台中市
2015 Shu-Fen Kao, Barriers and Possible Path Towards Innovative Risk Governance: EMF Case in Taiwan, 5th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia, Oct. 30-Nov. 01, 2015, 日本仙台
2015 高淑芬, Scientific Uncertainty, Risk Perceptions and Democratization of Expertise: Envisioning Participatory Risk Governance of EMF in Taiwan., World Congress on Risk 2015, Jul. 19-23, 2015, 新加坡
2014 高淑芬, Nuclear Risk Controversies and Risk Communication: A Sociological Observation and Policy Implication., 2014 Society of Risk Analysis - Asia Conference, Aug. 20-23, 2014, 台灣大學
2014 高淑芬, Anti-Nuclear Movement in Taiwan: Fukushima Disaster Prompts the Case for Citizen Participation in Democratization of Energy Policy., The XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Jul. 13-19, 2014, Yokohama
2014 高淑芬, Democratizing Expertise and Enhancing Public Participation in Deliberative Risk Governance: EMF Case in Taiwan., The XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Jul. 13-19, 2014, Yokohama
2014 高淑芬, Environmental Problems and Development of Environmental Sociology in Taiwan., Pre-Congress Conference: Sustainability and Environmental Sociology, Jul. 12-13, 2014, Yokohama
2014 高淑芬、陳則勳, 核安溝通窒礙難行?:核能風險爭議與風險溝通的社會學觀察。, 臺灣科技與社會研究學會第六屆年會, Mar. 22-23, 2014, 國立交通大學客家學院
2013 高淑芬, Democratizing Expertise and Building Public Capacities for Deliberative Risk Governance: A Case Study of EMF Controversy of Weather Radar in Taiwan., Asia-Pacific Science, Technology and Society Network Biennial Conference 2013, Jul. 15-17, 2013, National University of Singapore
2013 高淑芬, 科學、不確定性、預防與參與:電磁波風險治理之芻議, 台灣科技與社會研究學會第五屆年會暨學術研討會, Mar. 23-24, 2013, 台灣大學
2012 高淑芬, Scientific Knowledge and Risk Communication: A Critical Analysis of EMF Disputes in Taiwan and Its Implications in Policy Making., Science for Policy and Policy for Science: The Inaugural Asia Pacific Science Policy Studies Research Conference, Feb. 08-10, 2012, Victoria University of Wellington, Rutherford House, Wellington, New Zealand.
2011 高淑芬, Is Ecotourism an Answer to Regional Sustainable Development – A Study on Local Stakeholders’ Orientation of New Ecological Paradigm and Their Preference Structure of Ecotourism Development in Chigu, Taiwan., The Third International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia, Oct. 21-23, 2011, The Catholic University, Bucheon City, South Korea.
2011 高淑芬, Safe or Dangerous? The Contested Constructions of Risk Discourse in the Case of Electromagnetic Wave Controversy in Taiwan, The 2nd Asia-Pacific STS Network Conference, Jul. 19-21, 2011, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.
2011 高淑芬, Trust, Risk Perceptions on Mobile Phone Base Station and its Implication on Risk Governance., 2011 Workshop on Risk Communication and Risk Governance., Jan. 04, 2011, 台灣大學國發所
2010 高淑芬, 台北市民對行動電話基地台風險知覺之研究, 2010 年台灣社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會:「預見下一個台灣社會?」, Dec. 04-05, 2010, 輔仁大學
2010 高淑芬, Employing the Ecological-Symbolic Perspective to Explain Community Responses to Toxic Contaminations – A Case Study in Taiwan, International Symposium on Environmental Sociology and Sustainable Development., Jul. 10-11, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2009 高淑芬, A Sociological Review of “Green Collar” Jobs and Its Policy Implications, The Second International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia., Nov. 13-15, 2009, Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2008 高淑芬, Trust and Risk Perceptions toward Mobile Phone Base Stations – A Study of Urban Residents in Taiwan, International Sociological Association, RC21 Tokyo Conference, Dec. 17-19, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
2006 高淑芬, Radioactive Contamination, Risk Perception, and Environmental Activism: Using Social Amplification of Risk Framework to Explain Response Contingencies., 2006 年台灣社會學年會, Nov. 25-26, 2006, 東海大學
2006 高淑芬, Scientific Discourse and Social Construction of Risks – A Case Study of Cobalt-60 Radioactive Contamination Incident in Taiwan, The Tenth Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan, Jun. 24-25, 2006, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
Year Book Title
2020 Kuei-Tien Chou, Koichi Hasegawa, Dowan Ku, Shu-Fen Kao, Climate Change Governance in Asia, Routledge, 978-036-7227005, Jul. 2020
2019 陳潁峯, 高淑芬, 日常生活的能源革命: 八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事, 春山, 978-986-9735957, Jun. 2019
2018 高淑芬, Energy Transition in East Asia: A Social Science Perspective., Jan. 2018
2017 高淑芬, [2017年度風險報告]【能】怎麼轉:啟動臺灣能源轉型鑰匙, 巨流圖書公司, Mar. 2017
2016 高淑芬, 《臺灣能源轉型十四講》之第11講「能源轉型的在地實踐:社區型能源與公民電廠」, 巨流, Mar. 2016
2015 高淑芬, 「台灣風險的十堂課:食安、科技與環境」-- 電磁輻射風險, 巨流, Jul. 2015
2014 Junko Hoshi, Jou-juo Chu, Juju Wang, Akira Harimot, A General World Environmental Chronology, SUIRENSHA, Tokyo, JAPAN., Jul. 2014
2014 高淑芬, A General World Environmental Chronology, SUIRENSHA, Tokyo, JAPAN., Jul. 2014
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
美國密西根州立大學 社會學系 博士 博士 1995.06 ~ 2002.08
美國密西根州立大學 社會學系 碩士 碩士 1992.06 ~ 1995.05
輔仁大學 社會學系 學士 學士 1987.09 ~ 1991.06